Proudly serving the Santa Clarita and Antelope Valleys.

C. Philip Amoils, MD

As a fourth generation physician, you could say Dr. C. Philip Amoils was born with medicine in his blood. While playing soccer and rugby in Johannesburg, South Africa was fun for Dr. Amoils, his favorite hobby was flying across Southern Africa with his father’s patients. The senior Dr. Amoils specialized in Ear, Nose & Throat, and many of his patients were airline and Air Force pilots. Dr. Amoils’ grandfather, the esteemed Lung Specialist, Dr. Charles Hurwitz, took Dr. Amoils on a tour of the new Johannesburg General Hospital and medical school in 1975 before he entered high school and encouraged him to help others. Dr. Hurwitz treated mine workers, and the Charles Hurwitz TB Hospital is named in his honor. The tradition continues as Dr. Amoils’ niece is studying otolaryngology at Stanford University.

After earning his Bachelor of Science degree in Anatomy from the University of Johannesburg and attending medical school locally, Dr. Amoils moved to San Francisco for a research residency in hearing and balance. He then attended the University of Southern California, and studied otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat medicine). Dr. Amoils is board certified in Otolaryngology by the American Board of Medical Specialties.

Saving Private Ryan and Top Gun are two of Dr. Amoils’ favorite movies. In his free time he trades in his medical instruments for a camera and enjoys traveling. The amazing photographs in the SCENT offices are courtesy of Dr. Amoils.

His partners say he has a great bedside manner, is very personable, carefree, good-hearted, and the most out-of-the box thinker in the practice.

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